As part of Allianz Care Australia’s commitment to improving the lives of our members and offering increased choice and options for care, we are delighted to offer a private maternity package for Allianz Care Australia – Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) members.  The model, delivered by One for Women, a pioneer and leading provider of private maternity services in Perth, will operate for an initial period during 2022.

The Maternity Package Program offers members the option of experiencing a private team-based Maternity Package and private hospital birthing experience while having minimal ‘out-of-pocket’ costs.


To be eligible to participate, Allianz Care Australia OSHC members need to:

  • Live in Perth or surrounding areas
  • Have served any pregnancy waiting periods under the OSHC policy (if required)
  • Be assessed by the team at One for Women as presenting with a low-risk pregnancy. Unfortunately, members presenting with one or more of the following conditions are not covered under the model: multiple pregnancies; BMI >40; maternal age >40years; some pre-existing medical conditions; or previous complex obstetric history

The Perth based Maternity Package pilot will cover most costs associated with the member's pregnancy, including:

  • Maternity Package from One for Women (available from as early as four weeks in a pregnancy), which includes GP, Midwife and Obstetrician appointments
  • Also included in the maternity package is postpartum care following birth and additional benefits such as birthing classes and Mums & Bubs group during the first five weeks after birth.
  • Accommodation and birthing charges at either St John of God - Mt Lawley Hospital or St John of God - Murdoch Hospital
  • Standard ultrasounds and blood-tests during your pregnancy up to 85% of the MBS fee

There are some costs that will be payable by the member during the program. These include:

  • Any ‘out of pocket fees’ payable for anaesthetics, paediatrics and intensive specialist fees (if required and charged above the MBS fee for the birth);
  • Ancillary hospital costs such as pay television or internet access charges
  • Lactation consultations or allied health treatment with fees above 85% of the MBS fee or not covered under the MBS.

If you would like to participate in this pilot program, simply book an initial consultation with the team at One for Women.  Alternatively, you can speak with your GP first to decide whether you may be suitable and request a referral to the program before booking your appointment at One for Women.

Initial appointments ideally occur in the first trimester, between 6 weeks and 12 weeks. 

For more information, please get in touch with One for Women on (08) 9328 0500 or email:

You can also read our Member Overview and FAQ  for additional information.

One for Women